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Customer Reviews

The ABA performed an audit of my office shortly prior to my tenure as Regulatory Counsel.  The strongest recommendation from them was that my office implement some type of case management software.  I immediately began looking around at various products which could provide case and document management.  A colleague from another State contacted her Time Matters (Independent) Representative (David Michael) and he reached out to me.  He had looked at our Disciplinary Rules and provided me with his ideas about how to implement Time Matters into my office given our local rules.  We planned an install for months prior to actual installation last August.  I provided him with many forms from which he created templates for 90% of the documents we use here on a day-to-day basis.  The install was relatively seamless, with a few anticipated glitches.  After six months of use my office was proficient enough to ask Mr. Michael to return for more detailed training and a further streamlining of our processes here, including creation of monthly and six-month reports.  In addition, the LexisNexis reps are always very helpful to us whenever we run into a problem.  Frankly, I could not be happier with our decision to go with Time Matters and I have highly recommended this product to other regulatory counsel across the country.  It is simply the best product value out there which delivers the service my office sorely needed.


Mark A. Weber | Nebraska Supreme Court Counsel for Discipline


On-line and on-site support for software implementation. We install mission-critical applications using our process-informed experience. We study your industry,  annual reports, and we understand your culture. Trust us for all your software needs.


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Specialized Workflows


We Support: Agency Counsel - Architect Board - Bar Association - Board of Accountancy - City / County Attorney, Citizen Oversight Boards and Commissions, Counsel for the Department of Insurance - Counsel for the Natural Resources and Wildlife Commission, Environmental Regulation - Ethics Commission - Judicial Investigation Commission, Labor Relations Board - Office of Disciplinary Counsel - Public Service (Utilities) Commission
State Auditor or Inspector General et al! PrepforBarCounsel is an offering from Michael Matters, Inc. See our additional content at


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